25 Sept. 2007: Demolition continues at the former El Toro Base Commissary. I've included zoomed in photographs to get a glimpse of the building's interior and a short video clip of the area.
24 Sept. 2007: I couldn't fathom the sight of the Commissary with a gaping hole. Deep down inside of me I still like to imagine that the Commissary & Marine Exchange will never go away.
11 Sept. 2007: I was taken by surprise on an overcast morning at the former El Toro Marine base as I drove by the old general housing community. I was shocked to see that nearly all the homes and the asphalt + concrete which it stood beneath had all been razed. Note I say "nearly" here because one lone home still stood bravely all along amidst a sea of dirt and rubble (see above).
What really took me off guard was just how fast everything was uprooted and demolished. It may have been just a little over two weeks ago when I last passed through and noticed the homes and streets looking only somewhat untouched. As I gazed at the surreal sight on that somber morning, I reminded myself of the 9-11 attacks (which had passed exactly six years ago) and the countless number of Marines and their families that are enduring the two wars that are currently being fought overseas.
Note: These photos were taken on 09-11-2007 of the El Toro base general housing project, located directly behind the base's commanding officer's office, just to the right of the base's Main Gate entrance. I will try to post some older pictures of the same area to get a better idea of how it looked while it was still there.
This page is first and foremost dedicated to all the servicemen and women, civilians, families, and children that were a part of the 57 years of the Marine Corps Air Station, El Toro.
The purpose of this page is to celebrate the legacy of El Toro and to help bring some closure for many of those that have not been able to see or visit the base for many years. I also hope that this page will help create an on-line community for former El Toro members and others that share an interest of the base's rich military and cultural history.
If you have any questions, comments, memories or information about the various El Toro Base pictures, feel free to e-mail me at: wakmasteraaron[at]yahoo[dot]com.
All photographs are the copywritten and published property of my colleague Amin Eshaiker (unless otherwise noted), if you are interested using of any of these images, please e-mail me as well
Marine Corps Air Station, El Toro
Semper Fi!